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Racism & Equality

Even though societies are becoming more and more developed, people still have to face a lot of problems, such as undiscovered infectious diseases, drug trafficking, and of course racism. In this essay, I will provide a deeper insight into racism and equality.

First, let's have a look at how "racism" and "equality" are defined. Racism is used to talk about the belief that humans may be divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races”, and that some races are innately superior to others. In contrast, equality means every individual living in this world has the same rights and social positions.

Racism discrimination happens in almost every corner of the world. For example, a black man called George Floyd got arrested because of an accusation of delivering a counterfeit 20 dollars bill. On the way being escorted to the police station, Floyd was handcuffed lying face-down in the street. Even though he kept saying that he couldn't breathe, the four police officers still restrained him until he stopped breathing. If it had been a white man who was accused of committing a crime, the white policemen would have been very careful with clear evidence. This makes us see the differences in the way how law enforcement staff treat white and black people. Besides, Asian people have to suffer from racism. Because of the spread of the Covid-19, Western people put all the blame on Asian people. This has created a wave of hate crime against Asian and Asian American people. The Western people had some excessive behaviors like cursing, insulting, and even killing. There have been many cases of old Asian people killed reported. The Covid-19 pandemic is not wished to happen, but we cannot change the reality. Instead of blaming each other for the cause of this pandemic, people should join hands to find the solutions to improve the current situation.

There are many solutions for ending discrimination and gaining equality. Firstly, we should educate every single person to raise their awareness and make them understand that skin colour does not mean that one skin type is superior to the others. Secondly, the government should enact laws against discrimination, if people have racist behaviors, they will be punished badly to understand that their behaviors are wrong.

As I live in Vietnam, where people can live quite equally, racist discrimination is not as serious as in some other countries. We can enjoy the beauty of life, and do not have to worry too much. However, not every person in the world has the same luck. In order for everyone to live in a peaceful and equal world, we should put all of our attempts into ending racism and achieving equality. This is the thing that I think we all need.